Clicking on the menu to reveal the dropdown options using JavaScript

I have created a drop-down menu for my website, but I am facing an issue. When I click on the links again, it does not work properly because I lack expertise in JavaScript. I would appreciate any help and suggestions from all of you. Thank you for your time.

Below is the code I have used:

    var hideall = $('#woman,#man,#device,#health,#living,#device');

    $('#woman-li').click(function() {
      $(hideall).hide(), $('#woman').show();

    $("#man-li").click(function() {
      $(hideall).hide(), $('#man').show();

    $("#health-li").click(function() {
      $(hideall).hide(), $('#health').show();
    #living {
      display: none;

<div id='cssmenu'>
    <li class='active'><a href='#'><span>Home</span></a>
      <a href="#"> <span id="woman-li">Woman</span> 
      <a href="#"> <span id="man-li">Man</span> 
      <a href="#"> <span id="health-li">Health</span> 

  <div id='woman'>

    <div class="tb-container">
      <div class="tb-head">face</div>
      <div class="tb-content">
        <a href="#">

  <div id='man'>

    <div class="tb-container">
      <div class="tb-head">face</div>
      <div class="tb-content">
        <a href="#">

  <div id='health'>

    <div class="tb-container">
      <div class="tb-head">face</div>
      <div class="tb-content">
        <a href="#">

Answer №1

In my personal experience, using list items and implementing an onclick handler to navigate to a specific page is a more organized approach for styling purposes. If this method interests you, check out the following link:

Here's the layout:

<div id='cssmenu'>
        <li id='home' class='active'>Home
        <li id='woman'>Woman
        <li id='man'>Man
        <li id='health'>Health

Custom styles applied through CSS:

#cssmenu ul{
    border-top:1px solid black;
#cssmenu li{
    border:1px solid black;
#cssmenu div{

Javascript functionality:

//Initially hides all dropdowns
$('#cssmenu ul li div').hide();

//Handles click events on list items
$('#cssmenu ul li').click(function(e){
    if ( == this){ 

        $('#cssmenu ul li div').stop(); 





//Click event handling for submenu clicks
$('#cssmenu ul li div').click (function(){
    alert("You clicked on a child");
    alert("Navigate to: " + $(this).attr('link'))

    //Uncomment to enable navigation
    //window.location.href = $(this).attr('link');

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