"Styling a form input with YAML and implementing a jQuery date picker field

Seeking help with a CSS question related to YAML. I've been struggling all day trying to position a jQuery date field next to a YAML CSS field, but so far I can only manage to have it display underneath the input field...

Is there a way for the date picker to appear on the right side of the input field instead of below it? Calling all YAML experts out there, do you have any insights on how I can make this happen? Appreciate your assistance in advance, and apologies for the specific YAML question - I'm really stuck here.

The HTML code I'm using is as follows:

                <form:form class="ym-form" name="shortsAndOversForm" commandName="shortsAndOversForm" method="post">
                    <div class="ym-fbox" id="weekEndingDateDiv">
                      <form:label path="weekEndingDate"><spring:message code="label.weekEndingDate"/><sup class="ym-required">*</sup></form:label>
                      <form:input path="weekEndingDate" class="{required:true}" placeholder="enter a value"/>
                    <input id="submitBtn" type="submit" class="ym-button ym-primary" value="<spring:message code="button.runReport"/>" title="<spring:message code="button.runReport" />" />

Answer №1

For anyone seeking a solution to this issue, the key is adjusting the display property from block to inline within the ym-form input CSS classes.

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