Is it possible for comments in HTML and CSS to cause issues with rendering?

Could HTML or CSS comments potentially lead to rendering issues?

HTML Comment Example:

<!-- additional details -->

CSS Example: /* more information */

Answer №1

When displaying comments, it is important to be cautious with formatting to avoid any potential issues:

<!-- My comment ---------- -->

In particular, using two dashes in a row may cause problems with Firefox as they can signal the end of the comment. For example, this format could lead to issues:

<!-- My -- comment >

If comments are not properly closed or displayed incorrectly, it can result in content being unintentionally commented out or visible on the page.

For more information and details, you can visit the following link:

Answer №2

Adding additional opening or closing tags, or omitting them altogether, can lead to potential issues. For instance:

<!-- some information -->>       // including extra >
<!- some information -->         // missing - at the start
<!-- some information --         // missing >

The same concept applies to CSS comments as well.

Answer №3

There have been a few rare instances where I've encountered text ghosting in IE6 due to comments, but aside from that, I don't think any comments (CSS or HTML) would pose problems, particularly in current browsers.

Answer №4

I've never experienced that before. If you're encountering issues, you can double-check your HTML and CSS for validation.

Answer №5

I can't quite remember the reason, but I definitely experienced an issue with that in a particular situation. Interestingly enough, it happened while using Internet Explorer. The culprit turned out to be an HTML comment.

Answer №6

Recently, we encountered a similar situation and I am currently in search of an appropriate explanation.

The issue at hand was actually the well-known IE6 drop float bug (which is activated by having oversized content in a fixed width floated div). Initially, the designer believed that the problem lied within the comments ("it works when I remove them!"). It is possible that she may be correct; my theory is that the HTML comments added extra space, causing the content to exceed the specified size, ultimately leading to IE6 malfunctioning. However, I have yet to find concrete evidence to support my hypothesis:)

Answer №7

Recently, I encountered a perplexing issue where a web page would mysteriously vanish while viewing it on the Kindle Fire (Safari) browser. Strangely enough, simply removing a comment from the code brought the page back into view. I repeated this test three times to confirm the odd behavior. Surprisingly, no other modifications were made, and the comment tag appeared intact upon inspection.

Contrary to Jodeci's suggestion of "too much content," I drastically simplified my website to just a navigation bar and two divs in an attempt to diagnose why the page was disappearing unexpectedly.

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