Make sure that the webpage does not display any content until the stylesheet has been fully loaded by

I am seeking to utilize ng-href for loading different Themes.

One issue I am encountering is that the unstyled content appears before the stylesheet is applied.

I have created a Plunker where I made changes to Line 8 in the last 3 Versions for comparison.

<link href="//" rel="stylesheet">

<link ng-href="//" rel="stylesheet">

<link ng-href="//{{styleVersion}}/css/bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet">

When using ng-href instead of href, you can briefly see the unstyled HTML, which I aim to eliminate.

My question is whether it is possible to wait until the stylesheet is loaded, or if there exists a better solution for this dilemma than using ng-href.

Answer №1

After receiving feedback on the Plunker from a discussion regarding Dynamically loading CSS in angularjs (loading delay), I made some edits:

The changes include:

  1. Loading a start.css file with:

    html, body{
        display: none
  2. Loading your ng-href css
  3. Loading an end.css file that sets the style of the body back to display: block

While it could be considered a hack, it does appear to be effective.

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