What is the best way to eliminate unwanted white space at the top of the page?

I'm new to web development and I'm exploring the concept of white space at the top of a webpage.

Here is a snippet of my code:


    <p>lorem ipsum</P>


div {
    background-color: black;

I attempted setting the body element's margin to 0, but there was still white space at the top of the browser.

body {
    margin: 0;

Adding padding to the div eliminated the white space.

div {
    padding-top: 100px;

Are there alternative methods to remove the white space?

I thought that by setting the body element's margin to 0, the default browser margins should have been removed. Why did the white space persist?

Answer №1

To eliminate all whitespace surrounding the HTML element, you can set both margin and padding to 0.

html {
  margin: 0;
  padding: 0;

This method can also be applied to remove whitespace around any other element. By adjusting the CSS code snippet provided above, you can ensure that there is no unnecessary spacing added by default. For a more specific scenario, modify the CSS block as shown below:

html, body, p {
  margin: 0;
  padding: 0;

Answer №2

This can also be utilized:

    margin :0;
    padding :0;
    box-sizing :border-box;

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