Struggling to create a CSS dropdown menu where the dropdown items refuse to align to the left

I am currently working on creating a dropdown menu to reveal hidden elements on mobile devices such as smartphones. However, I am facing an issue where the child elements of the dropdown menu are appearing to the right of the parent element instead of the left as intended. This behavior is causing the viewport size to increase on mobile devices. Can anyone provide assistance with resolving this issue?

Below is the HTML code with Razor code included:

    <li class="@(controllerName == "Home" && actionName == "Index"?" CurrentActiveLink":"")">@Html.ActionLink("Hjem", "Index", "Home")</li>
    <li class="@(controllerName == "Home" && actionName =="Tickets"?" CurrentActiveLink":"")">@Html.ActionLink("Billetter", "Tickets", "Home")</li>
    <li class="no-portrait yes-landscape@(controllerName =="Activities" && actionName == "Index"?" CurrentActiveLink":"")">@Html.ActionLink("Aktiviteter", "Index", "Activities")</li>
    <li class="@(controllerName == "Home" && actionName =="InfoAndFAQ"?"CurrentActiveLink":"")">@Html.ActionLink("Info og FAQ", "InfoAndFAQ", "Home")</li>

   <!-- Additional list items -->

Below is the CSS code:


nav ul 

nav ul li 

<!-- Additional CSS styles -->

Answer №1

In my opinion, the solution to this problem involves utilizing the following CSS code:

nav ul li ul li {
    display: block;
    float: none;
    left: 0;
    /*adjust as needed*/ margin-left: -300px;

Answer №2

After being inspired by Daniel's suggestion, I had a breakthrough and found the solution:

nav ul li:hover ul
 right:15%; /* This specific line made all the difference! */

Answer №3

Give this a shot:

nav ul ul li a {

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