Can someone help me locate the selector for using .click in Nightmare.js?

I am currently using Nightmare.js to automate the scraping of a webpage. As a sysadmin, my understanding of Node.js and CSS is limited.

So far, I have been able to successfully use Nightmare to input and click on certain buttons in order to log in. I identified the selector by utilizing Chrome dev tools' Inspect feature. However, I noticed that what Nightmare requires for selection is not directly copy-paste-able. For example, when working with the login username box, this is the code that worked in Nightmare:

.insert('input#username.form-control', 'username')

In Chrome Dev Tools under Elements, this code appears as the first line in "Properties", but if I attempt to "Copy selector", I receive:


Xpath Copy:


Element Copy:

<input class="form-control" type="text" cols="60" placeholder="Email (or username)" required="" name="username" id="username" value="" autocorrect="off" autocapitalize="off" autocomplete="off"  background-repeat: no-repeat; background-attachment: scroll; background-size: 16px 18px; background-position: 98% 50%; cursor: auto;">

How can I translate these different formats into something usable by Nightmare.js? I feel a bit lost.

Although I managed to make it work by manually copying the property from "Properties", I wonder why I cannot directly copy it from Chrome Dev Tools. It seems like Chrome and Nightmare interpret selectors differently, and I am unsure how to bridge that gap. When looking up CSS Selector and Node.js information, I often come across suggestions to incorporate additional tools like Cheerio.js, rather than addressing the specific issue at hand.

An illustrative problem I am facing involves a button that I cannot click.

Element Copy:

<button tabindex="0" role="button" aria-disabled="false" class="dpl-button___jGBcY button-tertiary-colors button-font-size button-font-weight button-line-height button-text-transform font-family-primary button-pad button-shadow border-radius-button">Policy Tester</button>

I have experimented with various approaches based on research from here and Google, but I seem to be stuck. It is evident that I am overlooking something crucial.

Attempting .click('button#Policy Tester') fails, possibly due to the space within the identifier.

Trying .click('button[tabindex="0"]') results in "unable to find element by selector".


also does not locate the element.

Answer №1

Appreciate the background information provided, but it seems like your question can be simplified to asking about which jQuery selector can be used to target

<button tabindex="0" role="button" aria-disabled="false" class="dpl-button___jGBcY button-tertiary-colors button-font-size button-font-weight button-line-height button-text-transform font-family-primary button-pad button-shadow border-radius-button">Policy Tester</button>

The appropriate selector for this element would be

. However, a limitation of this approach is that if there are multiple elements with the same class, the click event will apply to all of them.

There are various attributes within this element, offering different targeting options. It's crucial to aim for uniqueness when selecting an attribute, and assigning a unique ID to the element can simplify the process ($('#YourUniqueId')). Avoid using the element's text as an ID as it is not the correct method (e.g., .click('button#Policy Tester')).

For further guidance on selectors, consider checking out these resources:


After researching Nightmare.js, you may want to try using

to locate the desired element.

Answer №2

Obtaining the correct selector can be done in a variety of ways, such as using inspect elements and more.

Method 1

To get the proper selector, you can simply "copy selector" from the "inspect element" option. Most of the time, this method proves to be effective. Remember, you are copying the selector, not the element itself.

Method 2

If you're using Chrome, here's an easy way to do it:

  • First, install the SelectorGadget extension from Chrome Web Store
  • Next, navigate to the webpage you wish to scrape and open SelectorGadget
  • Select the element you need on the page
  • Voila! You now have your required element selector

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