determine the selection based on its numerical index

I'm looking to leverage the robot framework for automating user actions involving hovering over a bar chart.

Is there a method to identify the bar chart by its index?

Or what would be the appropriate selector for using the robot framework to hover over the first bar on the chart?

During my inspection of the chart, I couldn't locate a single distinctive element.


<div width="1557" height="150" style="outline: green dotted 2px !important;">
               <g class="recharts-layer recharts-bar-rectangle">

Answer №1

To target the first bar out of five in CSS, you can use the following selector:


For example, the snippet below changes the fill color of the path to blue when hovering over the first bar.

.recharts-layer.recharts-bar-rectangle:first-child:hover path {
  fill: blue;
<div class="recharts-responsive-container" width="1557" height="150" style="outline: green dotted 2px !important;">
  <div class="recharts-wrapper" style="position: relative; cursor: default; width: 1557px; height: 150px;">
    <svg class="recharts-surface" width="1557" height="150" viewBox="0 0 1557 150" version="1.1" style="">
         <svg code goes here>
    <div class="recharts-tooltip-wrapper recharts-tooltip-wrapper-right recharts-tooltip-wrapper-top" style="pointer-events: none; visibility: hidden; position: absolute; top: 0px; left: 0px; transform: translate(235.7px, 32px);">
      <div tooltip information goes here>

If more specificity is needed, additional ancestor classes can be added to enhance selectivity.

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