Trouble displaying background image in Electron Application

When I try to load an image file in the same directory as my login.vue component (where the following code is located), it won't display:

<div background="benjamin-child-17946.jpg" class="login" style="height:100%;">

A 404 error is popping up:

Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)

Even though my terminal shows the image is indeed in the same directory as login.vue. I'm using webpack for compilation. What could be causing this issue?

Answer №1

One major issue you are facing is that single file components get compiled and the resulting script may not be in the same location as your image. Additionally, there seems to be a problem with how you are assigning the background image to your div. Utilizing CSS would be more appropriate for this task.

A potential solution could involve creating an images directory at the root of your electron application (or any desired name like assets or static). This way, you can reference files within that directory using the file:// protocol.

Furthermore, it is recommended to define a CSS class and apply it to your element. Within your single file component, include a style section like:

  .background {
    background: url('file:///images/benjamin-child-17946.jpg') no-repeat center center fixed; 
    background-size: cover

Then, simply add the defined class to your div element.

<div class="login background">

If needed, you could explore using webpack's url-loader to load the file as a dataUrl, but starting with the simpler approach is recommended.


In a test project created with electron-vue (which utilizes webpack), I encountered an error when using the file:// protocol mentioned above. To avoid this issue, place the image in the static directory and change the path to /static/benjamin-child-17946.jpg. This adjustment enables vue-loader to function correctly.

Note that if you are not using electron-vue, your webpack configuration may vary.

Answer №2

It's important to mention that the background attribute is no longer considered valid in HTML.

If you're working with compiled VUE code and noticing discrepancies in folder structure, it may be due to how the CLI organizes files.

To correctly display images, make sure to reference their full URLs in the static resource location.

I haven't personally worked with static resources using the Vue CLI, so I'm unsure of the specific requirements for this scenario.

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