When you utilize the overflow:hidden property in an inline-block list, you may notice some

Referring to this example: http://jsfiddle.net/CZk8L/4/

I'm puzzled by why the CSS style overflow:hidden is creating extra space at the bottom of the first li. Can anyone shed some light on this?

This has been bothering me for hours, as I need the

position:relative; overflow:hidden
on the first li to hide and move a form inside it (following the cursor).

I've tried setting height or max-height on each element, as well as experimenting with line-height, but nothing seems to work.

One potential solution could be adding the same

position:relative; overflow:hidden
to the second li to realign both elements. However, there still remains extra space beneath them, and I'd like to understand the underlying cause.

Thank you in advance for your assistance!

Answer №1

To eliminate the space under li, adjust ul padding:5px to padding:0px.

 ul {display: inline-block; background:#DDD; padding:0px;white-space: nowrap; margin:50px 200px;}

You can position the li elements using vertical-align: top;

   .with_overflow li:first-child {position: relative; overflow: hidden;vertical-align: top; }
    .with_overflow form {position: absolute; opacity: 0;}
    .with_overflow iframe {display:none}

Check out the updated fiddle here

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