Struggling to alter Material-UI theme styles

I have been working on a project using Material-UI and I am trying to change the default theme style of textTransform:"uppercase" to textTransform:"capitalize."

After checking out the documentation on custom styling, I learned that I should use inline styles or create a custom class.

Whether I add className="capitalize" (which has a text-transform property in the class) or add style={{textTransform: "capitalize"}}, I end up with the same result. The CSS property is applied to the parent div but gets overridden by a child span.

Is this the expected behavior, or am I missing something here?

Answer №1

To customize the text transform, you can create a custom theme and apply it:

const CustomApp = () => {
    const newTheme = { button: { textTransform: 'uppercase' } };

  return (
    <MuiThemeProvider muiTheme={getMuiTheme(newTheme) }>
      <CustomExample />

Check out this jsFiddle for a live example:

Answer №2

It would be helpful to include more information in your question. Based on my experience, this behavior does not seem intentional. Perhaps there are other props conflicting with the style props you are using.

If that is not the case, I recommend looking into the material-ui repository on GitHub. I have found solutions to many issues by examining their codebase rather than relying solely on their documentation. Hopefully, this advice proves useful to you.

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