When the div element reaches the top of the page, it sticks to the top and is only displayed when the user

In the center of a full-screen hero section, there is a form. When it reaches the top, its position becomes fixed and additional classes are added through a script - such as shrinking its height and adding a background.

What I aim to achieve is for the form to hide when it reaches the bottom of the section#hero and then display again when the user scrolls up.

If you visit , you can see that their search container behaves exactly how I want my sign-up form in the landing page to behave.

Thank you in advance!

Here is the section containing the form:

$(function() {
  // Check the initial Poistion of the Sticky Header
  var stickyHeaderTop = $('#grab').offset().top;
  var Innerwidth = window.innerWidth;

  $(window).scroll(function() {
    if (Innerwidth >= 767) {
      if ($(window).scrollTop() > stickyHeaderTop) {
          position: 'fixed',
          top: '0',
          left: '0',
          width: '100%',
          background: '#363451',
          paddingBottom: '15px'
          marginTop: '15px'
        $('form#signUp input').css({
          height: '45px',
          fontSize: '14px'
        $('form#signUp button').css({
          height: '45px'
      } else {
          position: 'relative',
          background: 'none'
          marginTop: '25px'
        $('form#signUp input').css({
          height: '65px',
          fontSize: '16px'
        $('form#signUp button').css({
          height: '65px'

Answer №1

Here is a way to achieve this functionality:

if($(window).scrollTop() + $(window).height() == $(document).height()) {





Note: I made changes like adding a higher z-index to your #grab container and removing the height:100vh; from hero.


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