What is the best way to target the nth-child() of a slotted element within a web component that utilizes multiple uniquely named slots?

I am struggling to select the second slotted item in a specific slot using

, but it's not behaving as I anticipated. Even though the first foo slot is styled with green, the second one doesn't follow suit.

Within my web component, I have a default slot and named slots for both foo and bar. My goal is to style the second slotted foo element.

Unfortunately, none of these CSS selectors within the template are yielding the desired results:

    outline: 2px solid green;
    outline: 2px solid green;
    outline: 2px solid green;

For reference, here is my jsfiddle link: https://jsfiddle.net/donohueseth/msxojtac/14

Is there a way to properly target the nth-child() of a slotted element when a web component has multiple different named slots?

Answer №1

:nth-child(numberHere) will select the specific child element that is the nth child from the parent. In this case, you need to use :nth-of-type(numberHere) instead. This selector targets elements that are of a specific type and meet the criteria specified in the square brackets.

  outline: 2px solid green;

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