Stop storing CSS data for nopCommerce

Currently, I am looking for a method to avoid caching CSS files on my nopCommerce website. In the past, I have achieved this by adding the date and another element at the end of the CSS call.


This is the process for adding CSS in nopCommerce, but I am struggling to recall how to guarantee that the CSS is not cached and will be loaded according to the specified date.

Answer №1

Enabling compression and consolidation of CSS within the General And Miscellaneous Settings/SEO Settings will cause the "bundlekey" for the combined css file to modify each time a css file is edited. This will prompt the browser to retrieve the updated css-bundle.

During development, you can simply perform a "hard refresh" with CTRL + R

Answer №2

When you manually clear the cache in nopCommerce from the admin panel, it will only regenerate the CSS and JS bundle names if the CSS file names have changed.

One workaround to override the default logic is to add random characters to the file name. However, a quicker solution can be implemented by creating an empty CSS file (e.g. version.css) and linking it in Head.cshtml. Whenever you make a commit, simply rename the file (e.g. from version.css to versionv1.css) to trigger the regeneration of the bundle by nopCommerce.

This method allows you to maintain a clean commit history and avoid clutter in your version control.

Tested successfully on nopCommerce 4.2.

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