Stop material button from animating when clicked

On my webpage, I have created a unique button structure using Angular Material design:

<button mat-button class="library-tile-button">

    <button mat-button class="edit-library-button">
        <img class="edit-library-img" src="..."/>

    <img class="library-picture" src="..."></img>


The main issue I am facing is related to the default animation behavior when clicking on the parent and child buttons. The desired functionality is to navigate to another page when clicking on the parent button, while displaying additional content upon clicking the child button.

Currently, when I click the child button, both buttons trigger the default angular material animation. My goal is to only have the animation triggered for the child button exclusively, not affecting the parent button. Any suggestions on how to achieve this would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance.

Answer №1

As mentioned by WorksLikeACharm, it is advised not to nest the buttons. If your concern lies in positioning them properly, you can group them within a div and apply an absolute position to one of them.

Here's an example:

div {position:relative;}
button {background-color:transparent; border:0;}
.edit-library-button {
.edit-library-button img {width:30px;}
  <button mat-button class="library-tile-button">

      <img class="library-picture" src="" />

  <button mat-button class="edit-library-button">
          <img class="edit-library-img" src=""/>

Answer №2

One suggestion could be to restructure your button layout in order to separate the click-events.

<button mat-button class="library-tile-button">    

    <img class="library-picture" src="..."></img>


<button mat-button class="edit-library-button">
        <img class="edit-library-img" src="..."/>

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