Several adhesive panels on a dynamic webpage

In the content area of my page, a dynamic number of rows are generated. Each row consists of two columns: a side block and a content area. The goal is to have the side block stick while the page scrolls down until the next block appears and pushes the previous one away, becoming sticky itself. Below is the HTML structure:

<div class="container">
    <div class="row">
        <div class="col-md-4 sticky">
            <p class="page-side-block">...</p>
            <a href="#" class="action-button">...</a>
        <div class="col-md-8 col-md-offset-4">

I've managed to make the first block sticky, but I'm unsure how to achieve the desired functionality for subsequent blocks. Any assistance would be appreciated.

Below is the JavaScript code (using mootools) that I am currently using. Please note that it may not work with the provided HTML markup, as I have made adjustments for clarity:

window.onscroll = function() {
    var stickyBlock = $('sticky-block');
    if (window.getScroll().y > 235) {
            position: 'fixed',
            top: '100px',
            width: "350px"
    } else if (window.getScroll().y < 235) {
            position: 'absolute',
            top: 0,
            width: null

It's worth noting that the new w3c specs have introduced a position: sticky; property, which could eliminate the need for JavaScript in this scenario. Unfortunately, browser support for this feature is currently limited, as indicated here.

If anyone has insight on resolving this issue, I would greatly appreciate your input. Thank you!

Answer №1

It's a bit late at night here, but I wanted to share a suggestion with you.

If you track all positions and listen for scroll events, you can compare the initial positions with the scroll position and fix elements as needed.

In my example, I utilize the .pin() method from MooTools More, so as not to reinvent the wheel.


Here is some MooTools code:

var stickyBlock = $$('.sticky').map(function(el){
    return {
        elem: el,
        initialPos: el.getPosition().y,
        height: el.getHeight()
window.addEvent('scroll', function(){
    var currentScrollPos = window.getScroll().y;
    stickyBlock.each(function (el, index) {
        if (el.initialPos <= currentScrollPos){
            if (stickyBlock[index + 1] && (stickyBlock[index + 1].initialPos - el.height <= currentScrollPos)) el.elem.setStyle('top', stickyBlock[index + 1].initialPos - el.height - currentScrollPos);
        } else {

There might be room for further optimization, but I hope this aids in addressing your query.

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