Is it possible to visually distinguish the selected mat-grid-tile? Particularly when they are being created dynamically

On the user interface, I have a dynamic display of mat-grid-tile within a mat-grid-list. These tiles change in number and data based on backend values. When a user clicks on a mat-grid-tile, it triggers a function that receives the tile's data. My goal is to visually highlight the clicked mat-grid-tile until the user navigates away.

I've attempted using mat-grid-tile:active{background-color: #333} to change the background color upon click, but it only flashes for a brief moment instead of remaining highlighted.


I am looking for a solution where the selected tile remains visibly highlighted with the changed background color until the user leaves this page or section.

Answer №1

When working on an HTML file, you can use the following code snippet:

<mat-grid-title (click)="highlight($event)">...</mat-grid-title>

For the TypeScript file, you can implement the following function:

public highlight(ev) {
  var target = || event.srcElement || event.currentTarget;



By utilizing this approach, you are able to access the element and apply style changes or add additional classes as needed.

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