The transition property in CSS and JavaScript does not seem to be functioning properly in Firefox

Recently, I integrated a Slide in menu script on my website using a Slide in menu script. After following all the instructions provided, the menu started working flawlessly on Chrome and Safari browsers. However, my main goal was to make it function on Firefox as well. I attempted various modifications to the CSS and JavaScript files to troubleshoot the compatibility issue with Firefox. To debug further, I added alert() statements within the JavaScript code to verify the execution flow, but everything seemed to be in order. Below is the complete set of code consisting of HTML, JavaScript, and CSS:

HTML page


<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/new.css">
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/slideinmenu.js"></script>

<script type="text/javascript"> 
var menu;
function loaded() {
    document.addEventListener('touchmove', function(e){ e.preventDefault(); 

e.stopPropagation(); });
    menu = new slideInMenu('slidedownmenu', true);
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', loaded);

<div id="slidedownmenu">
        <li>Option 1</li>
        <li>Option 2</li>
        <li>Option 3</li>
        <li>Option 4</li>
    <div class="handle"></div>

<div id="content">

    <p>Click to <a href="#" onclick=";return false">Open</a>, <a 

href="#" onclick="menu.close();return false">Close</a> and <a href="#" 

onclick="menu.toggle();return false">Toggle</a> the menu programmatically.</p>


The JavaScript section

 function slideInMenu (el, opened) {
    this.container = document.getElementById(el);
    this.handle = this.container.querySelector('.handle');
    this.openedPosition = this.container.clientHeight; = '1'; = '-' + this.openedPosition + 'px'; = '-webkit-transform'; = '400ms';
    if ( opened===true ) {;
    this.handle.addEventListener('touchstart', this);
slideInMenu.prototype = {
    pos: 0,
    opened: false,
    handleEvent: function(e) {
        switch (e.type) {
            case 'touchstart': this.touchStart(e); break;
            case 'touchmove': this.touchMove(e); break;
            case 'touchend': this.touchEnd(e); break;
    setPosition: function(pos) {
        this.pos = pos; = 'translate(0,' + pos + 'px)';
        if (this.pos == this.openedPosition) {
            this.opened = true;
        } else if (this.pos == 0) {
            this.opened = false;
    open: function() {
    close: function() {
    toggle: function() {
        if (this.opened) {
        } else {

CSS Styles

ul, li, div {
#content {
    padding:40px 10px 10px 10px;
    text-shadow:0 1px 1px #000;
#slidedownmenu {
    background:black url(drawer-bg.jpg);
#slidedownmenu .handle {
    border-top:1px solid #532500;
    border-bottom:1px solid #111;
    background:url(handle.png) no-repeat 50% 50%, -webkit-gradient(linear, 0 0, 0 100%, color-stop(0, #e07b29), color-stop(0.1, #b85300), color-stop(0.8, #793600));
/*  -webkit-box-shadow:0 0 5px rgba(0,0,0,0.7);*/
#slidedownmenu ul {
#slidedownmenu li {
    margin:20px 10px;
    text-shadow:0 1px 1px #000;

I would greatly appreciate any suggestions or insights regarding this issue.

Answer №1

I have discovered the resolution to the issue mentioned above. While webkit is specifically for Safari, standard syntax is also supported by Firefox, Chrome, and Internet Explorer 10. In the JavaScript code snippet provided: = '-webkit-transform';

has been replaced with: = 'transform';

Similarly, the following lines: = '400ms';

have been changed to: = '400ms';

And: = 'translate(0,' + pos + 'px)';

has been updated to: = 'translate(0,' + pos + 'px)';

As a result, the code now functions correctly in the Firefox desktop browser. By adhering to standard syntax rather than relying on webkit properties, the transitions now work smoothly in Firefox. It is important to use standard CSS syntax when facing transition issues in Firefox, as demonstrated by my successful testing on desktop Firefox (although performance may vary on mobile Firefox).

Answer №2

Attempting to eliminate the /* and */ from the webkit line in hopes that it will function properly. However, it seems that this feature is not universally available across all browsers.

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