Steps for accessing an image from the static folder in a Python-Django application

I am currently working on a portfolio website project where I am using html, css, js, and django. However, I am facing an issue with loading an image from the assets folder within the static directory.

Here is a snippet of the template code causing the problem:

{% load static%}
<div class="col-lg-5 align-items-stretch order-1 order-lg-2 img"
    style='background-image: url("assets/img/why-us.png");'
    data-aos="zoom-in" data-aos-delay="150">&nbsp;</div>

All other images are loading properly except for this one, which results in a Syntax error.

Answer №1

To begin with, it is essential to ensure that the static files are properly configured within your file. Check for the presence of STATIC_URL = 'static/' in your If it is not there, add it as a new line at the end.

Next, create a folder named static (or whatever you have defined for STATIC_URL in the within the app folder where you intend to use these static files. This is where you will store all your static files.

Lastly, when using static files in your template, remember to utilize the {% static '_FILEPATH_' %} tag without including static/ in the path name.

Tip: Always ensure to include {% load static %} before referencing any static files.

For instance, if you wish to link a stylesheet in your template which resides in BASEDIR/APPNAME/static/style.css, your <head> section would appear as follows:

    {% load static %}
    <link rel="stylesheet" src="{% static 'style.css' %}">

If you encounter any other issues, it is advisable to consult the Django documentation: How to manage static files - Django Documentation

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