Use a text link to upload a file instead of using an input field

While I've seen some discussions on this topic already, the conflicting answers have left me uncertain. Is there a foolproof method for triggering file upload without using an input field? Essentially, I'd like to create a div with an icon and text link that activates the file upload when clicked. Something along these lines:

padding: 5px 10px 5px 30px;
background: url() center left no-repeat;
<div class="upload">(icon) Click here to add a photo</div>

Any assistance or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

Answer №1

Include this code in your HTML:

<input id="upload_file_input" type="file" name="uploaded_picture" style="display: none;">

To create a link for uploading files:

<a onclick="$('input[id=upload_file_input]').click();">Click here to upload files</a>

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