Step-by-step guide on utilizing jQuery to fade out all elements except the one that is selected

There are multiple li elements created in this way:

echo '<ul>';
foreach ($test as $value){
echo '<li class="li_class">.$value['name'].</li>';
echo '</ul>';

This code will generate the following output:

<li class="li_class">name1</li>
<li class="li_class">name2</li>
<li class="li_class">name3</li>

The goal is to make all other li elements fade out by 50% when hovering over one li element.

One approach could be using two classes and utilizing jQuery to toggle between them:

background: #ccc;

opacity: .5;

However, the challenge lies in telling jQuery to add the .fade class to all sibling li elements except for the one being hovered on. Any suggestions or alternative methods?


Thanks to everyone's input, I was able to come up with the following solution:

$(document).ready( function () {   
         $(this).removeClass('fade').siblings().animate({ opacity: 0.5 }, 500);
         $(this).siblings().andSelf().animate({ opacity: 1 }, 100);

This implementation involves using the hoverIntent plugin.

Answer №1

Give this a shot.

$('.li_class').on('mouseover', function(){
}).on('mouseout', function(){

Answer №3

Here is a handy way to achieve the desired effect using jQuery's hover() method:

$('li.li_class').not(this).animate('slow',{opacity: 0.5});
$('li.li_class').animate('slow',{opacity: 1});


Answer №4

When hovering over elements with the "li_class", they will fade out slowly, except for the one being hovered over.

Answer №5

If you're looking to optimize speed, consider using the on() method for improved performance:

$(".li_class").on("mouseenter", function() {
}).on("mouseleave", function() {

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