Ways to ensure the text on my website scrolls into view as the user navig

Is there a way to have my text show up as I scroll? I came across this , but I'm interested in how it actually functions. I saw a similar inquiry before, but it doesn't make sense to me. Can someone please explain or provide some examples on how to achieve this effect?

Appreciate it!


<div id = "divToShowHide" class = "BeforeScroll">Content I want to display while scrolling</div>


.BeforeScroll {
width: 100%;
height: 200px;
background-color: yellow;

.AfterScroll {
width: 100%;
height: 200px;
background-color: red;

Answer №1

Let's consider a simple scenario: imagine that some of your text is within a <div id="visible_text"> positioned at 70% of the total height of the webpage. <div id="frame">

Initially, you would hide it using

document.getElementById("visible_text").style.display = "none";

You can create a function

function OnScroll() {

            var totalHeight = this.offsetHeight; //(this refers to the frame that called the function from the code below)
            if (this.scrollTop || this.scrollTop > totalHeight * 0.7) { //if scrolling reaches 70% of height
               document.getElementById("appearable_text").style.display = "block"; 

and then assign it to be used

var frame = document.getElementById("frame");
frame.onscroll = OnScroll;

Naturally, instead of abruptly showing the <div>, you could smoothly fade it in or apply any variety of CSS/JQuery effects you desire.

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