Utilize the controller data to display information on a day-by-day basis

In my attempt to design a weekly calendar using AngularJS, I am facing challenges when it comes to inserting events into the 7 boxes representing each day of the week on the calendar. The current HTML structure is as follows:

<div class="week">

Moreover, in the controller, I have defined a variable jsonEvents containing some test data as shown below:

$scope.jsonEvents = [

The goal is to display the event names within the appropriate <ul> elements based on their start and stop dates. For instance, for an event that spans from day 2 to day 5, the event name should be included in the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th <ul> tags. Similarly, if an event starts and ends on the same day (e.g., day 3), then its name should be added to the corresponding 3rd <ul>. Do you think implementing a custom directive would be necessary for this task? Thank you in advance, Daniel!

Answer №1

This code snippet will generate a list specifically showcasing your items on the corresponding days...

  <div ng-repeat="day in [1,2,3,4,5,6,7]">
        <div>Day {{day}}
            <ul><li ng-repeat="data in jsonEvents | filter:onDay(day)">{{data.event_name}}</span></li></ul>

Make sure to include this in your controller as well:

  $scope.onDay = function(day)  {

    return function(data) {
      return data.event_startdate <= day && data.event_stopdate >= day;

Refer to this link for more details: http://plnkr.co/edit/GiNJy74YGyVtVfO5zxV0

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