Dynamic content in CSS horizontal alignment

In a parent div with fixed width, I have dynamically created divs that I want to distribute horizontally without knowing the exact number of elements. I tried using the "Using inline-block and justified text" technique from a CSS Tricks page but it did not work as desired when there are more children than will fit in one row.

Upon further inspection, I realized that the spacing issue was not erratic; however, I am looking for a different layout where the second row aligns under the first row instead of distributing evenly.

If anyone has suggestions on alternative approaches to achieve this without relying on JavaScript, I would appreciate any ideas or recommendations.

Answer №1

Failure is not the issue here, as this is simply how floats are designed to behave.

To increase the number of items per line, consider increasing the size of the container or narrowing the boxes.

If you prefer items not to wrap at all, include overflow:auto in your container's CSS to enable a scroll bar.

Answer №2

To ensure that the dic container adjusts its width based on the content inside, you should remove the fixed width of the container and instead add display: inline-block;. Additionally, including overflow: auto; will allow the div to resize according to the number of generated divs within it.

#container {
  display: inline-block;
  background: cornflowerblue;
  overflow: auto;
  height: 200px;

Answer №3

Consider using relative widths instead of fixed widths for the internal div elements....

#testcontainer div {
 width: 19%;
 height: 30px;
 display: inline-block;
 background: red;
float: left;
margin: 2px;


Check out the DEMO here

Answer №4

After some consideration, I realized that JavaScript was necessary for my task. I assigned id's to the fourth child element and then utilized CSS to remove the margin from it (although I suspect this could have been achieved with CSS using nth child if IE8 support wasn't required).

Edit: Eventually managed to achieve my desired outcome - http://jsfiddle.net/byronyasgur/kUgBA/14/

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