Stable navigation for seamless website navigation

I am experiencing an issue with the fixed navigation at the top of my site. The navigation links to sections further down on the page, but it overlaps part of the section I link to instead of stopping exactly at the beginning of the section. You can see an example of this here:

What I want is for the bottom of the nav to align perfectly with the start of the section so that there is no overlap. An example of what I'm trying to achieve can be seen here:

Is there a way to accomplish this using CSS alone, or do I need to use JavaScript for this?

Answer №1

Indeed, utilizing JavaScript is the most effective method to achieve this. It is likely that anchor tags are being used for this purpose, or at least it is a recommended approach.

In my experience, when implementing this feature, I always consider how far down the page the animation will occur and then adjust by adding a specific number of pixels to account for any fixed navbar that might interfere. Otherwise, the desired section may end up situated behind the fixed navigation bar, which can be problematic.

Therefore, I agree that JavaScript is probably the optimal solution. An alternative could involve applying a margin or padding to the targeted element to be scrolled to. However, there may be situations where the browser consistently scrolls to the very top of that element, regardless of any margin or padding adjustments.

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