Dynamic CSS Changes in AngularJS Animations

I am currently working on a multi-stage web form using AngularJS. You can see an example of this form in action by visiting the link below:


When clicking the "Next" button, the form slides to the right smoothly. However, when clicking the "Back" button, the form does not slide back to the left as expected. I believe that changing the "ng-animate" CSS when the "Back" button is clicked would resolve this issue.

Could you provide guidance on how I can accomplish this?

Thank you!

Answer №1

To control the animation direction in your controller, you can create a variable for it. Here's an example of how you could set this up:

$scope.update = function() {
   $scope.direction = 1;

$scope.backTo = function() {
   $scope.direction = 0;

In your HTML code, make sure to encapsulate the animated elements like this:

<div ng-class="{forward: direction, backward: !direction}">
   your animated content here

Next, define your CSS rules accordingly:

.forward .animate-switch.ng-leave{  
/* hide */
.forward  .animate-switch.ng-leave.ng-leave-active{ 
/* show entering slide  */
/* hide */
.forward .animate-switch.ng-enter {
/* show */
.forward .animate-switch.ng-enter.ng-enter-active { 

.backward  animate-switch.ng-leave{  
  /* etc */

You can view a demonstration of this concept on your CodePen: http://codepen.io/sbosell/pen/rKJal

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