Customize Appearance: Overlay Images with Display Properties

I have created a unique slideshow that overlays multiple images using JavaScript to change their opacity and attributes. You can view the slideshow here:

Upon inspection (using firebug), I noticed an issue with how the images are displayed. When the display property of the first image is set to none, the two images overlay correctly. However, if the display property is not set to none, the second image appears below the first one and only moves into position once the first image disappears.

What CSS property should I use to ensure that the second image is positioned in the same place as the first one? I have tried adjusting the display properties in various ways but have not been successful so far.

Answer №1

If you want to enhance your code, consider excluding the line "position: relative !important" in the ".ngg-slideshow *" section:

.ngg-slideshow * {
// position: relative !important;

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