Show material-ui cards in a row side by side

I attempted to showcase cards within a mapping loop while also utilizing the Grid in this manner.

 <div className={classes.root}>
              { any, idx: number) => {
                return (
                    <Grid item xs={3}>
                      <Card className={classes.root} variant="outlined">
                          <Typography color="textPrimary" gutterBottom>
                            Name: {}
                          <Typography color="textPrimary">
                            Email: {}
                          <Typography color="textPrimary">
                            Gateway: {el.gateway}
                          <Typography color="textPrimary">
                            ID: {}
                          <Typography color="textPrimary">
                            Created: {el.creationDate}
                            onClick={() => {
                              alert("button clicked" +;
<p>The styling I have implemented is as follows:</p>
<pre><code>  const useStyles = makeStyles((theme) => ({
    root: {
      flexGrow: 1,
      padding: theme.spacing(2),
  const classes = useStyles();

However, the cards are currently displayed stacked on top of each other and aligned to the left. Is there a way for me to evenly space the cards in a row?

Answer №1

To make your parent div element display inline, you will need to use display: flex. Copy and paste the code snippet below:

 const useStyles = makeStyles((theme) => ({
    root: {
      flexGrow: 1,
      padding: theme.spacing(2),
      display: 'flex'
  const classes = useStyles();

If you're interested in learning more about using flexbox, check out this helpful guide at the following link:

Answer №2

Have you given this a shot?


Answer №3

To display cards next to each other in a Grid on different screen sizes, use xs for small screens and xl for large screens.

For example:

<Grid xs={4}>    

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