Container that displays vertical scroll while permitting floating overflows

Is there a way to set up a container so that when the window size is too small, it displays a scroll bar to view all elements that don't fit in one go? At the same time, can the child containing floating elements be allowed to extend beyond the boundaries of the container?

I am currently working with a Material UI Card, which contains various elements as shown here:

In the image provided, you can see that using overflow: auto for the CardContent works effectively.

However, the issue arises when the floating element for the Combo1 component needs to be displayed outside the bounds, resulting in an undesired outcome as depicted here:

If I try removing or changing the overflow property to overflow: visible, the floating element displays correctly but then the content no longer scrolls properly, as illustrated in this image:

So, my question remains - is there a solution that allows only the floating elements to exceed the confines of a parent container with hidden overflow?

Answer №1

The main issue arises when the content within an element exceeds the element's width and the overflow style is set to hide the excess content. This is a fundamental behavior of CSS.

If you wish to have scroll bars for overflowing content, you must use the appropriate overflow style such as `auto`, `scroll-y`, or `scroll`.

In a React app, it may feel strange to place UI elements that need to be visible outside of the container with the overflow style. These elements can still belong to the same component but should be structured externally from the main element. You can then utilize useEffect to position these UI bits beside the scrolling content using refs or similar techniques.

For instance:

const YourComponent => {
  return <>
      <div style={{overflow: 'auto'}}>

To handle the positioning aspect, it is recommended to use refs (useRef) to manipulate the DOM elements for accurate placement. Utilize `position: absolute` styling along with calculations on the main UI's position to achieve the desired layout.

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