Streamlining Tailwind CSS styles in your React/Next.js components for maximum efficiency

Since implementing Tailwind CSS in my React/Next.js project, I've noticed a decrease in maintainability compared to using traditional CSS or styled-components. Previously, I could easily consolidate style changes, but now I find myself duplicating classes for similar styling as shown below:

  <p className='text-[16px] text-red-700'>one</p>
  <p className='text-[16px] text-red-700'>two</p>
  <p className='text-[16px] text-red-700'>three</p>

This duplication of code makes it challenging to consistently update styles across the project. What are the recommended practices for utilizing Tailwind CSS in React/Next.js to maintain a centralized source of truth for styling, akin to traditional CSS or styled-components?

I'm striving to improve the cleanliness and maintainability of my code while harnessing the capabilities of Tailwind CSS. Any insights or examples would be greatly valued. Thank you!

Answer №1

To enhance the dryness of Tailwind, consider integrating class-variance-authority (cva). Find more information about cva here. cva enables the creation of diverse variants of a component based on specific needs. For instance:

import {cva} from "class-variance-authority"

const para = cva(
    ["flex items-center"],
      variants: {
        variant: {
          default: " text-gray-700 ",
          error: " text-red-700 ",
          success: " text-green-700 ",
        size: {
          default: " text-[12px] ",
          md: " text-[14px] ",
          lg: " text-[16px] ",
     defaultVariants: {
       variant: "default",
       size: "default",


// "flex items-center text-gray-700 text-[12px]"

para({variant: "error", size: "md"});
// "flex items-center text-red-700 text-[14px]"

You can introduce additional variants like border, shadow, etc. as per your requirements. Explore clsx and tailwind-merge along with cva for optimizing the dryness of your components with tailwind CSS and React/Next js.

Answer №2

It seems like I can relate to what you're feeling.

I have come up with 2 straightforward solutions:

  1. If you are working with React and notice repetitive elements in your code with similar classes each time, consider creating a component. For example, you could define a const Paragraph = (text) => {text}


  1. Try using Tailwind @apply. If you enjoy crafting your own CSS classes, this approach may feel more intuitive to you.

In your CSS file:

@tailwind base;
@tailwind components;
@tailwind utilities;

@layer components {
   .p-custom {
     @apply text-[16px] text-red-700;

Take a look at:

And also at:

I hope this information proves useful to you.

Answer №3

Make sure to visit the official Tailwindcss page for more information HERE


Give this a shot:

To loop through values, you can utilize the .map() function.

const classes = "text-[16px] text-red-700";

const arr = ["one", "two", "three"];
{> (
<p className={classes} key={text} >{text}</p>

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