Creating a wide-ranging megamenu with CSS only

I am interested in creating a full-width Mega menu. Here is the link for reference:

My CSS code follows a 12 column grid system.

.fui-navbar li{float:left}.fui-navbar li a{display:block;padding:.5em 1em}.fui-navbar li a:hover{color:#000;background-color:#ccc}
.fui-navbar .fui-dropdown-hover,.fui-navbar .fui-dropdown-click{position:static}
.fui-navbar .fui-dropdown-hover:hover,.fui-navbar .fui-dropdown-hover:first-child,.fui-navbar .fui-dropdown-click:hover{background-color:#ccc;color:#000}
.fui-navbar a{text-decoration:none!important}
.fui-navbar .fui-right{float:right!important}
.fui-navbar a,fui-dropdown-content a
{-webkit-transition:background-color .3s,color .15s,box-shadow .3s,opacity 0.3s;transition:background-color .3s,color .15s,box-shadow .3s,opacity 0.3s}
.fui-dropdown-hover:hover .fui-dropdown-content{display:block;z-index:1}
.fui-dropdown-content a{padding:6px 16px;display:block}
.fui-dropdown-content a:hover{background-color:#ccc}

/*Grid System*/
.fui-col,.fui-half,.fui-third,.fui-twothird,.fui-threequarter,.fui-quarter{float:left;width:100%; padding: 0.375em;}

HTML Snippet:

    .fui-navbar li{float:left}.fui-navbar li a{display:block;padding:.5em 1em}.fui-navbar li a:hover{color:#000;background-color:#ccc}
    .fui-navbar .fui-dropdown-hover,.fui-navbar .fui-dropdown-click{position:static}
    .fui-navbar .fui-dropdown-hover:hover,.fui-navbar .fui-dropdown-hover:first-child,.fui-navbar .fui-dropdown-click:hover{background-color:#ccc;color:#000}
    .fui-navbar a{text-decoration:none!important}
    .fui-navbar .fui-right{float:right!important}
    .fui-navbar a,fui-dropdown-content a
    {-webkit-transition:background-color .3s,color .15s,box-shadow .3s,opacity 0.3s;transition:background-color .3s,color .15s,box-shadow .3s,opacity 0.3s}
    .fui-dropdown-hover:hover .fui-dropdown-content{display:block;z-index:1}
    .fui-dropdown-content a{padding:6px 16px;display:block}
    .fui-dropdown-content a:hover{background-color:#ccc}
    /*Grid System*/
    .fui-col,.fui-half,.fui-third,.fui-twothird,.fui-threequarter,.fui-quarter{float:left;width:100%; padding: 0.375em;}

    <!-- Menu Markup -->
    <ul class="fui-navbar fui-card-2 fui-light-grey">
      <li><a href="#">Home</a></li>
      <li><a href="#">Link 1</a></li>
      <li class="fui-dropdown-hover">
        <a href="#">Dropdown</a>
        <div class="fui-dropdown-content fui-white fui-card-4">
          <a href="#">Link 1</a>
          <a href="#">Link 2</a>
          <a href="#">Link 3</a>

I am struggling to make my menu full-width like the one on this site: .

Any suggestions on how to modify my existing code to achieve a full-width menu would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

Answer №1

You're only missing the left:0 property.

To avoid affecting the top menu, you can create a new class (.ff-left) and add it to the fui-dropdown-content class.


Check it out here

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