Flexbox - managing wrapping on legacy devices

Utilizing flexbox, I have successfully designed a 2 column layout with a div at the top spanning both columns for a menu format. While this works flawlessly in Chrome and iOS7, it appears to be ineffective in outdated versions of Safari. In this fiddle, you can see my implementation: http://jsfiddle.net/Jtts9/

I do not require support for Internet Explorer, but it must work on Android and iOS devices. Although it displays correctly in Chrome and iOS7, I encounter issues when using the old syntax (such as display: -webkit-box;) because replicating the two columns becomes challenging without flex-flow: row wrap which is absent in the older syntax. References to box-lines have been found, yet it seems like they are not supported.

Is there a way to achieve the same appearance utilizing the older 2009 flexbox syntax?

Answer №1

After struggling with the old flexbox syntax, I decided to switch to using float and pseudo-selectors.

You can see the solution in action in this fiddle, which compares it to the original problem.


To achieve this, I applied float: left to all items and then used the following CSS code:

.item2 :nth-child(2){
    float: right;

This code floats every second element to the right.

Furthermore, to mimic the behavior of flexbox when dealing with an odd number of items, I added the following rule:

    width: calc(100% - 2px);

This ensures that the final box spans the complete width if there is an odd number of boxes present.

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