How can I show only the final four digits of an input field using Angular Material and AngularJS?

As a newcomer to Angular Material and Angular JS, I am striving to create an md-input field that displays only the last 4 digits in a masked format, such as "********1234". While my experience is currently limited to using md-input password fields where all characters are hidden or replaced with "", I was able to achieve this functionality using JavaScript. However, I am unsure of how to implement this in Angular JS. Here is the code snippet that worked for me:

$('#cardNum').bind('input', function () { $(this).val(($(this).val().replace(/\d(?=\d{4})/g, ''))); });

Answer №1

If you need to mask a password input, try creating a custom filter specifically for that purpose:

appModule.filter('passwordMask', function() {
    return function (input, num) {
        if (isNaN(num) || num < 1) {
            return String(input).replace(/./g, '*');
        var mask = RegExp('(.{1,' + num + '}$)|.', 'g');
        return String(input).replace(mask, function(hide, show) {
            return show || '*';

To use the custom filter, simply add it into your code like this:

<div ng-bind="passwordModel | passwordMask:4" class="password-style"></div>

This method should work well for masking passwords as needed.

Answer №2

Hey @Guedes, would it be feasible to implement this code snippet within an input field?

<input  name="password" type="password" ng-bind="user.password | passwordMask:4" />

    myapp.controller('controller', function ($scope) {
      $scope.user = {
        name: '',
        password: '',

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