IE11 displaying errors with flex-box layout in Angular8 causing screen misalignment

I'm currently experiencing a CSS issue specifically in IE11, as it seems to work fine on all other browsers except for this one. The problem arises due to the length of a string causing the screen not to fit properly within the browser window.

To address this problem, I have attempted setting various CSS properties such as display:flex, flex: 1 1 auto, flex-wrap:wrap, white-space:pre-wrap on the parent div element that contains the long string.

I would greatly appreciate any help and guidance on how to troubleshoot and resolve this issue. Additionally, I have provided a link to a cropped screenshot of the problem.

Below is an excerpt of the HTML generated in IE11:

<div class="row pad1-0" _ngcontent-ean-c19="">
    <aside class="col-md-3 ng-star-inserted" id="sidebar" style="top: 0px;" _ngcontent-ean-c19="">
        <div class="toggle-side" _ngcontent-ean-c19="">
            <i class="fa fa-bars" _ngcontent-ean-c19=""></i>
        ....(additional HTML markup)....
    <main class="col-md-9 ng-star-inserted" id="main" _ngcontent-ean-c19="">
        <section class="overview-options pad2-0 tright" _ngcontent-ean-c19="">
            ....(additional HTML markup)....
        ....(additional HTML markup)....

Answer №1

After spending 3 hours on it, I finally resolved the problem. The issue was with word-break: break-word; in IE11. I switched it to word-break: break-all; and now it works perfectly. :)

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