Which language should I focus on mastering in order to create a script for my Epson receipt printer? (Check out the manual for reference)

Printer Model: TM-T88V
User Manual:
Receipt-marker Web template for the printer: (Provided by Epson)

I'm completely new to computer languages and have been trying to understand how to print receipts. I've researched XML, HTML, CSS, and Javascript, but I'm still unsure which one is necessary to achieve my goal. I want to create a receipt similar to another business that uses this same printer.

My ideal solution would be a simple text document that I can edit on my desktop, then click print to produce a receipt with my logo and address. I do not need a full POS program or any online interface with buttons and text boxes at this time. I just need an easy offline solution where I can quickly make changes and print a professional-looking receipt.

If possible, I'd like to hire someone to set up a user-friendly system where I can easily edit text and print the desired result. I'm willing to consider the cost of outsourcing this task versus learning how to do it myself.

Please assist me in finding the best approach for my needs.

Answer №1

As per the instructions provided in this manual on page 64, it states that Javascript is the solution. However, it is important to note that the manual refers to the TMT88V-i model and not the specific TMT88V model you have. It is recommended to experiment with this method to see if it resolves the issue.

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