Customize your Google Translate experience by choosing your own option values

Is there a way to trigger the same JavaScript calls by clicking on an option value in an HTML select element as with text-based links in the Google Translate widget?

Check out this jsfiddle for more information


  <select id="lang-drop">
            <option value="english">EN</option>
            <option value="spanish">SP</option>
  translate -> text: open the door!

Do you have any suggestions on how to achieve this functionality? I am struggling to make clicking on the option behave like clicking on the Google Translate text links.

(I have tried following
Implementing Google Translate with custom flag icons, but it does not work with my version of jQuery 3.1...)

Answer №1

If you swap out !$frame.size() for !frame.length, the code provided in this thread on Stack Overflow will function properly.

In my experience, the solution presented by Boris Brdarić was spot on.

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