Suggestions for merging 2 distinct :host() selectors with contrasting styles in Angular

I am facing a challenge with combining the CSS of two Angular components into one file. The issue arises from the difference in the :host() code for each component. For example:

style1.css includes:

:host() {
    flex: 2;
    overflow: auto;

style2.css includes:

:host() {
    flex: 1;
    position: visible;

Is there a way to merge these styles together seamlessly?

Answer №1

To define your component using its selector and host, you can follow this example:


:host(app-one) {
  color: 'green';

:host(app-two) {
  color: 'blue';


  selector: 'app-one',
  template: `<h1>Hello</h1>`,
  styleUrls: ['./combine.scss']
export class ChildTwo {}

  selector: 'app-two',
  template: `<h1>World</h1>`,
  styleUrls: ['./combine.scss']
export class ChildOne {}

parent component


The project structure will look something like this:

 > child-one.component.ts
 > child-two.component.ts
 > parent-component.ts
 > combine.scss

Remember, this is just a sample structure. If your files are in separate folders, ensure to specify the correct path in the styleUrls array.

Check out the demo here

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