The percentage height setting for a div is not functioning properly, but setting the height in pixels or viewport

Within a dialog box body, I am attempting to display a table and have applied a CSS class to the wrapping div. When specifying the height in pixels or viewport height units, it works as expected. However, when using a percentage like 50%, the height of the table div does not adjust accordingly and ends up rendering at 100%.

I understand that percentages are calculated based on the parent element, but I'm confused why it's not taking into account the height of the parent element, especially since I have a CSS class applied to the dialog box which is set to be 95% of the screen size.

   width: 95%;
   height: 95%;
.table-height {
    height: 50%;

When using a percentage for the height, the content renders at full size rather than the specified 50%.

Answer №1

yo.chen mentioned the importance of adding body, html { height: 100% }. This is necessary because your parent element is also using percentage as its unit, so it requires a defined height from its parent as well. By applying the height on html, body (to account for browser discrepancies), you can establish a base height using the window height for the rest of the document.

Answer №2

In case your dialog box is positioned under the body tag, you should include the following code:

body, html { height: 100% }

Answer №3

Adjust the parent element's height to vh measurement and the issue should be resolved. By setting the parent element to vh, the inner table can accurately determine its height based on the parent container.

   width: 95%;
   height: 95vh;
.table-height {
    height: 50%;

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