The mobile navigation in HTML has a slight issue with the ::after pseudo-element, specifically within the

As I prepare to launch my website, I have made adjustments to the mobile layout by moving the navigation links to a navigation drawer. The template I am using included JavaScript scripts to handle this navigation change. However, I encountered an issue where the text does not link over to the drawer due to how the code operates and how the menu is generated through MIVA shopping basket software.

To resolve this problem, I decided to use the ::after pseudo-element on the span class in the CSS code to extend the link area beyond the text, allowing users to click anywhere to access the next submenu. While this solution worked for the first-tier links, it caused issues with the positioning of the ::after tags in the subsequent submenus despite my attempts to adjust the position and float properties.

Below is the CSS class code snippet:

.mobile-navigation ul li{
                                    content: "";
                                    left: -200px;
                                    top: 0px;
                                    bottom: 0px;
                                    max-height: 56px;

Here are some screenshots for reference:

I would greatly appreciate any assistance or insights into resolving this issue.

Just a heads up, I am concealing the website details since it is not yet live; this site is still under development.

Answer №1

Although this question is quite old, I stumbled upon it while searching for a fix to a comparable issue.

To achieve the desired outcome, it is essential for the .next element to have a relatively positioned parent in relation to your absolutely positioned ::after pseudo-element:

.mobile-navigation ul li{

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