Set the height of the div element to be the same as its parent element (100

Within my main div, there are two child divs. I want the first child div to have the same height as the parent div, without specifying a height in CSS.

For reference, take a look at this example: The pink div should expand to match the full height of its parent (indicated by the red border).

I attempted using display:flex as a solution, but it lacks compatibility with IE8+. Additionally, I prefer achieving this with CSS only and avoiding the need for JavaScript.

Answer №1

One approach to achieving equal height for child elements is by utilizing a table layout method:

  • Apply display:table to the parent element
  • Use display:table-cell on the child elements that require consistent height

    #container {
        position: relative;
        border: 1px solid red;
    #content {
        display: table-cell;
    #side-bar {
        vertical-align: top;

You can view a live example in this fiddle:

It's important to note that margins may not function as expected with elements using display:table-cell. In such cases, consider using padding-left instead of margin-left... Additionally, you may insert an extra <div> to create a 25px separation between the two columns.

Answer №2

Adjust the sidebar position to


and adjust the content height to


Answer №4

To ensure that the "#content" div expands to the height of the "#container", it is important to set specific attributes for both the parent div "#container" and the child div "#content".

#container {
    position: relative;
    border: 1px solid red;
    height: 800px; //set the desired height here

#content {
    display: inline-block;
    float: left;

By following this structure, the height of the "#content" div will adjust accordingly to match the height of the "#container". This allows the separate "#side-bar" to maintain its own content-specific height as well.

In Hanoncs proposed solution, the parent div "#container" dynamically adjusts its height based on the child div "#content", ensuring a consistent height relationship between the two elements.

Answer №5

A simple workaround for this issue is to utilize the display: table; property on the parent element and the display: table-cell; property on the child element.

You might find it beneficial to explore the article titled Achieving Equal Height Columns using Cross-Browser CSS without Hacks.

I trust that this information proves to be useful!

Answer №6

Apply the following CSS rule:

display: grid;

To the parent element - when there is only one child, that child will adjust its size to match the parent.

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