Combine two columns into a single table column using HTML/CSS and JavaScript with the help of Datatables

I utilize the DataTables library from to create sortable and searchable tables on my website. However, my table becomes too wide due to the numerous columns it contains. I am looking for a way to condense the width by merging related columns together. The content of two cells within the same row should be shown in a single cell with a line break.

I aim to convert this:


into this:

... C
... F
... J

Below is an example of my JavaScript code:

var dataSet =
    {"name": "A", "absolute": 10, "relative": 0.1},
    {"name": "B", "absolute": 20, "relative": 0.2},
    {"name": "C", "absolute": 11, "relative": -0.1},
    {"name": "D", "absolute": 100, "relative": 0.3},
    {"name": "E", "absolute": 8, "relative": 0.04},
$(document).ready(function ()
    data: dataSet,
            { data: "name", title: "Name" },
            { data: "absolute" , title: "Absolute + <br> "Relative", render: function ( data, type, row, meta ) {
                return row.absolute + "<br>" + row.relative; }},
    "columnDefs": [{ targets: 'data-sortable', orderable: false }]
<table id="example" class="display" width="100%"></table>

In the provided code snippet, I am using the "render" function to combine two data columns into one. However, the issue arises with sorting, as it currently sorts based on the concatenated string. I am looking for a solution where I can still sort by both the "absolute" and "relative" columns. Ideally, the table header should include separate "sort" buttons for this combined column.

Is there a way, perhaps utilizing HTML/CSS techniques like hiding elements or using colspans, to achieve this goal? I have searched extensively online, but it seems like I may need to custom code this functionality in JavaScript. Despite this, many websites offer the feature of merging columns for display purposes.

Here is an example table from comdirect bank where sorting can be done based on two or three different values within the same column. This is the precise functionality I am seeking

Answer №1

Unfortunately, I couldn't find a simple solution to my issue... I ended up having to write my own javascript code. You can check out the solution in my GitHub repository for my 'boss table'

Perhaps there's a way to create plugins for Datatables, but the process is unknown to me. I'm still a beginner in javascript... So, it was more straightforward for me to create it from scratch.

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