Display a div every 3 seconds with the help of jQuery

I am seeking a solution to display the second div (box2) every 3 seconds. Can anyone help me achieve this using jQuery?

<div id="box1" style="background-color:#0000FF">
     <h3>This is a heading in a div element</h3>

    <p>This is some text in a div element.</p>
<div id="box2" style="background-color:red">
     <h3>This is a heading in a div element</h3>

I have created a fiddle to demonstrate the issue: http://jsfiddle.net/jRmrp/5/

Update 1

The solution provided by Khanh TO works, but I am looking for a way to handle more than two div elements. The current solution only works for two.

Answer №1

Require assistance with this?


Check out the DEMO here

New requirement has been added:

var currentIndex = 0;
$(".box:not(:eq("+ currentIndex +"))").hide();

var totalDiv = $(".box").length;

     currentIndex = (currentIndex + 1) % totalDiv;



Updated DEMO link is available here

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