Separate line rendering of checkboxes in CSS and Vue

I am struggling with styling Vue checkboxes to display side by side until they wrap to a new line. I have tried modifying the code structure, but the existing CSS classes are causing issues. I have created a simplified example on CodeSandbox.

Here is a snippet of the Checkbox.vue component:

    :name="name || label"
    v-slot="{ errors, required }"

    // Checkbox input and label elements here

// More component code for Checkbox.vue...

The Component.vue file includes multiple Checkbox components within a form:

  <div class="sign-up-wrapper">
    <ValidationObserver ref="form">
        <div class="sign-up-form__label">
          <label for="vehicle">Vehicles</label>

        // Multiple Checkbox components here


// More code for other form elements in Component.vue...

And finally, App.vue contains the overall application layout:

    <header class="app__header-wrapper">
      <div class="app__header">
        <div class="app__header-logo-image">
        <div class="app__header-logo-text">
    <footer class="app__footer">
      <ul class="app__footer-link-list">
        <li class="app__footer-link-list-item"><router-link to="/help">Help</router-link></li>

// More code for header, main content, and footer styling...

Answer №1

Great news! I finally discovered a solution to resolve the issue

By eliminating the following CSS properties, everything is now working smoothly:

.sign-up-form__input {
  overflow: auto;

.atoms__checkbox-label {
  display: block;

.atoms__checkbox-label span {
  position: absolute;

.atoms__checkbox-label:after {
  display: block;

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