Selecting Child Elements in CSS

Suppose I have the below HTML structure:

<div id="div1">
<span class="innercontents">...</span>

Is it possible to target only the child elements of a specific parent ID?

For example, could I use this CSS rule?

#div1 span

Thank you for any assistance provided.

I apologize for any confusion caused. To clarify, in the given example, my intention is to solely select the span tags that are nested under that particular

Answer №1

#uniqueSelector1 > .innerContents /* finding specific child elements */

The code snippet above is used to target elements with ids c and d within the following HTML structure:

<div id="uniqueSelector1">
   <div id="a">
     <span id="b" class="innerContents"></span>
   <span id="c" class="innerContents"></span>
   <span id="d" class="innerContents"></span>

If you need to select all nested elements like b, c, and d in the given HTML content, then utilize:

#uniqueSelector1 .innerContents 

Answer №2

Absolutely. Using the #div1 > .innercontents selector is a way to target immediate descendants, also known as child elements.

If you want to dive deeper into CSS selectors, check out this reliable resource:

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