Scrolling Hyperlink-Land

I found this helpful guide to create text links on my website. My goal is to have the rollover text display the link description, such as 'Insight' linking to the 'About' page. However, some descriptions are too long and are being cut off. When I try to make them bigger, they overlap with the neighboring link. Any suggestions on how to solve this issue or a different approach I should take? Here is the HTML code I'm currently using.

<a href="" class="rollover_a" style="color:#000000;"><span data-title="Services">Ingenuity.</span></a>

Answer №1

It seems like you're seeking advice on design as well.

Based on how your links are arranged (each list item with a fixed width in a row), if you do find a solution to prevent them from being cut off, longer descriptions will likely overlap other links. There is a way to avoid this, but I'm not certain if it will achieve the desired results you're aiming for.

You could either adjust the widths of each list item to prevent overlapping or incorporate a different transition method (such as having the description slide beneath the link instead of flipping). Personally, I recommend the latter option; however, the choice ultimately lies with you on what constitutes a "better approach" for displaying your descriptions.

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