Styling Angular with FullCalendar - Personalized CSS Design

I'm struggling with custom styling using FullCalendar for Angular. Specifically, I need to change the background color of the 'More Events' Popover, but no matter what I attempt, my styles aren't taking effect.

I've been trying to apply these styles in foo.component.scss:

    .fc-popover  .fc-more-popover .fc-day .fc-day-mon .fc-day-past .fc-day-other{
        background: #303030 !important;

Although I've noticed that the classes I copied from inspecting on Chrome only reference one day, the style isn't even applying to that individual day.

I've also experimented with more general class names like:

.fc .fc-popover .fc-more-popover

without success.

I've attempted adding the styles directly into the component template within a style tag and have also tried including them in the main styles.scss file.

Interestingly, when I modify the styles in the inspect tab of my browser, they take effect and achieve the desired outcome. However, I can't seem to get these styles to work through any other method.

Answer №1

Angular implements a concept known as view encapsulation.

In simple terms, each view in Angular has its own isolated environment to prevent style conflicts with other views.

For example, a style like .container defined in app.component.scss will not interfere with a .container defined in home.component.scss.

If you need to bypass view encapsulation, you have two options.

The first option is the frowned upon method of using ::ng-deep, so it's better to consider the alternative: moving your styles to the global style.scss file where view encapsulation doesn't apply.

If issues still persist, adding !important to your styles may temporarily resolve them (but remember to remove it afterward as it's not recommended). If a style only applies with !important, it suggests that your CSS selectors may need to be strengthened.

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