Guide on enabling the scrollbar within a text area while utilizing the pointer-events: none property

After applying the CSS rule pointer-events: none to the text area, I noticed that the scrollbar was disabled.

I need the scrollbar to remain enabled so that users can scroll and view the entire content, while still preventing editing within the textarea using only CSS.

Despite trying several solutions, I have not been able to resolve this issue.

You can find my code on JSFiddle at

Any assistance with this would be greatly appreciated.

I also attempted a solution provided here, but it did not work for me:

Answer №1

To implement this feature in HTML, simply include the readonly attribute within the textarea tag:

<textarea rows="4" class="input" readonly>

There doesn't appear to be a way to achieve this effect using CSS.

Answer №2

Instead of adding the readonly attribute to a <textarea> element, you can achieve a non-editable but scrollable textarea by using this attribute alone.

However, if you prefer a CSS-only workaround, combining resize: none; and pointer-events: none; will prevent editing and resizing while allowing scrolling.

Here is an example that worked for me:

.input {
  resize: none;
  pointer-events: none; 

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