is failing to run jQuery's .toggleClass() function

Let's say we have this jQuery code snippet:

$("#saveButtonFull").on("click", function () {

This code produces a filling animation on the custom "Save" button. It works perfectly fine! However, I work on an platform and have a post-back 'click' event on the server-side that performs CRUD operation in SQL by calling a line of code in the .aspx file:

<div id="saveButtonFull" class="buttonFull btnBorderGreyOut" onclick="document.getElementById('<%= ButtonA.ClientID %>').click()"></div>

How can I ensure that jQuery executes the click event line-by-line (so that .toggleClass() is executed) and also allows for server-side processing?

Answer №1

Consider triggering the animation on the 'mousedown' event instead of 'click'. It might enhance user experience. :)

Answer №2

Given that the action has been specified for the button's ID, it appears that this particular button is the only one requiring this specific action. To make the necessary adjustments to your javascript function:

$("#saveButtonFull").on("click", function () {
    __doPostBack('<%=ButtonA.ClientID %>','');

By doing so, you will trigger the postback for the designated server side button. If, for any reason, __doPostBack fails to function properly, an alternative approach would be to replace it with

document.getElementById('<%= ButtonA.ClientID %>').click();

Answer №3

If you're looking for options, here are a few to consider:

  • Execute a serverside event to perform CRUD operations and then use a JavaScript function to toggle a CSS class like this:

        if (!ClientScript.IsStartupScriptRegistered("alert"))
                "alert", "toggleClass();", true);


  • Set the button's runat="server" attribute and modify the CSS class by accessing the CSS property in the code behind


  • Consider utilizing AJAX (define your logic as a WebMethod - potentially making it static) and then make a POST call to handle the CRUD operation asynchronously, toggling the CSS class in the postback JavaScript function)

    Hopefully one of these solutions will work for you!


I've created a small example demonstrating how to implement the first and third suggestions:

Codebehind file: ASPX file (JS and styling):

Give it a try!

Answer №4

After receiving valuable guidance from Lorin, I was able to reach the solution that allowed jQuery to run .toggleClass() and perform CRUD operations asynchronously on the server-side seamlessly.

I discovered that the missing element in my page was a SriptManager control, which I promptly added:

<asp:ScriptManager ID="ScriptManager1" runat="server" EnablePageMethods="true"/>

It's important to note that EnablePageMethods is set to "true", granting access to the server-side web method for executing the required code.

Subsequently, I eliminated the .click() function on the #saveButtonFull and opted to include the "onclick" attribute directly within the tag itself:

<div id="saveButtonFull" class="buttonFull btnBorderGreyOut" onclick="saveButtonProgress()"></div>

Upon further exploration, I learned about the limitations of including non-static members like TextBoxes inside a Public Static String YouNameIt() web method. To counter this, I arranged an array on the client-side and integrated it into the "data" attribute of the .ajax() event as shown below:

function saveButtonProgress() {
     if (flag === true) {
         var vargu = [];
         $(".textBox").each(function () {
             var currentTxtBoxValue = $(this).val();

             url: "http://localhost:49795/UserProfile.aspx/UpdateProfile",
             type: "POST",
             contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
             dataType: "json",
             data: "{'profileArray': '" + vargu + "'}",
             async: true,
             success: onSuccess,
             error: onFailure

         function onSuccess(msg) {
             var success = msg.d;

         function onFailure(msg) {
             var failure = "Error: " + msg.d;

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