What is the best way to resize a primefaces inputTextArea to match the length of the

I am currently working on improving the appearance of <p:inputTextArea/>. When the page loads, I notice:

And when I click on that TextArea:

Here is the code:

<p:inputTextarea rows="6" value="#{bean.object.value}" style="width: 100%;" />

Is there a way to make the text area adjust its size according to the amount of text entered? Using rows="6" works for small amounts of data, but it looks messy when more characters are added.

Answer №1

If you're encountering a problem, you can try using the plugin called flexibleArea.js. However, keep in mind that upon downloading it, it may not work as expected when you initially focus on the textArea. In this case, some tweaking might be necessary.

To address this issue, I decided to add a new event - 'focus' - to the existing bind function.

$textarea.bind('keyup change cut paste focus'

To implement this solution successfully, you can download my modified version of flexibleArea.js here, include it in your xhtml file, and call it within the document.ready function like so:

$(function() {         

For a live demonstration showcasing the updated Primefaces TextArea flexibility, you can check out the demo. Additionally, the code is available on GitHub.

I hope this information proves helpful for you.

Answer №2

Here is a self-explanatory piece of code:

    rows="#{myBean.calculateNumberOfLines(myBean.myClass.text, 70)}"
    autoResize="true" />

public int calculateNumberOfLines(String text, int cols) {
        int count = 0;
        for (String tmp : text.split("\n")) {
            count ++;
            count += tmp.length() >= cols ? tmp.length() / cols : 0;
        return count;

Note: This solution may not be suitable for all scenarios due to the length of the text, but it serves its purpose for my current needs.

Answer №3

In my experience, I have discovered that dynamically adjusting the rows attribute based on the length of the existing bean string yields the best results. It is essential to specify the number of columns in order to achieve this objective.

rows="#{2 + bean.string.length()/100}" cols="100"

Answer №4

Encountered a similar issue today where counting columns only works if users do not input line breaks. After searching for the optimal solution, I resolved my case like this:

        styleClass="no-border" readonly="true"
        style="width: 80%;height: 100%;"
        rows="#{myController.countChar(comment.body)+2}" />

In MyController:

public int countChar(String text) {
    return StringUtils.countMatches(text, "\n");

The inputTextarea defaults to "autoResize=true". Therefore, after typing something, the component will adjust to fit your text when editing.

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