Scroll vertically within a Xamarin Android ListView

I have been attempting to implement a vertical scroll for a list view, but I am facing an issue where all the list view items are displayed even if they exceed the phone's screen size.

This is the code snippet I have been using:

<LinearLayout  xmlns:android=""

    <!-- other controls like TextView, EditBox, other Grid layouts -->

         android:id="@+id/myListId" />

    <!-- other controls like TextView, EditBox, other Grid layouts -->


My expectation was that when the height of the list items exceeded 100px (the value set in android:scrollbarSize), the vertical scroll would become active. However, this is not happening as intended.

I then tried the following code:

<LinearLayout  xmlns:android=""

    <!-- other controls like TextView, EditBox, other Grid layouts -->

          android:id="@+id/myListId" />

    <!-- other controls like TextView, EditBox, other Grid layouts -->


Wrapping the list view inside a ScrollView did create a vertical scroll, however, only one list item was shown at a time. I was hoping to see at least three items from the list view before needing to scroll through the rest.

Ideally, I would like to achieve the vertical scrolling feature using just the list view without the need for a ScrollView, since it complicates accessing a child from the list. Can someone please guide me on what might be going wrong with implementing the built-in vertical scroll for the Android Xamarin list view?

Answer №1

Utilizing a ScrollView as a parent for a ListView, which already has its own scroll, is not recommended.

To gain a clearer understanding of this concept, please refer to the following informative post: here


To address this issue, eliminate the additional scroll and adjust your ListView code to the following:

    android:divider="#D3D3D3" //divider color 
    android:dividerHeight="1dip" // Height

If you require the following properties also, incorporate them individually and monitor for any potential conflicts:


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